
How to Calculate your U of T GPA 2022/2023



How to Calculate your U of T GPA 2022/2023

You can use this UOFT GPA calculator as a student there to determine how this semester’s grades will affect your overall college average.

One of the best GPA calculators available in Canada is this one.

A 4.0 GPA is considered the best and highest GPA under the UOFT Grading Scheme. Your GPA should be good. GPAs of 3.7, 3.3, and 3.0 are also regarded favorably.

On your Academic History page in UOFT ACORN, you can get your official GPA.

We’ll go over how to use the UOFT GPA Calculator in this post to determine your UOFT GPA.

How to calculate your UOFT GPA



Follow the below steps to accurately calculate your University of Toronto GPA.

To calculate your CGPA:

Step 1Navigate to

  1. Enter your current CGPA and number of credits earned so far from your Complete Academic History in ACORN.
  2. Enter your predicted grades for current or future Academic Periods (Fall, Winter, or Summer) in Step 2.


Step 2


To calculate your CGPA, SGPA, and AGPA:

  1. Cumulative GPA (CGPA): Enter your current CGPA from ACORN in Step 1, then enter your predicted grades for courses taken in current or future Academic Periods (Fall, Winter, or the entire Summer).
  2. Sessional GPA (SGPA): Enter existing and expected grades for courses taken in a single Academic Period (either the Fall, Winter, or the entire Summer).
  3. Annual GPA (AGPA): Add another academic period, then enter grades for courses taken in the Fall in Academic Period 1 and Winter in Academic Period 2. Add full-year Y courses to Academic Period 2. Check out the U of T academic calendar Important Dates.

How to Calculate your U of T GPA 2022/2023


Watch the video below to learn more about the U of T GPA Calculator.

Familiarize yourself with these terms

  1. Cumulative GPA (CGPA): The weighted average for all courses taken throughout your degree.
  2. Sessional GPA (SGPA): The weighted average for courses taken in either the Fall, Winter, or the entire Summer.
  3. Annual GPA (AGPA): The weighted average for courses taken in both Fall and Winter.

If you are looking for U of T online learning management system information, check out our UOFT Quercus page.

If you’re a current student, check out the post on UOFT Webmail.